Abdominal Pain Triggers, Examination & Treatment

Everyone gets a stomachache now and then. Maybe you're hungry, or possibly you ate too much, or something didn't agree with you. Other times, it might be a symptom of your stomach virus, or even a sign of stress and anxiety. The main one I…

Stomach Ache

The reason overeating feels so shitty in the first place is because, as you fill up yourself with food, fluids, swallowed air, and gas byproducts of digestion, your stomach, abdominal muscles, and small intestines get stretched to the max.…

Stomach Flu (Gastroenteritis) Symptoms, Remedies, Diet & Contagion Viewer Comments And Reviews

Abdominal pain that was not doctor-diagnosed or isn't eased by OTC medications advised by a medical doctor may be considered a sign of a medical condition that requires urgent care. Instead of waiting to see if the symptoms subside, it's b…